Jan 27: The 26th of January, Indian Republic Day, is a red-letter day as the Constitution of free India came into effect. We at St. Theresa’s School celebrated the 74th Republic Day by hoisting the Indian flag with great éclat.

The dignitaries of the day the Chief Guest Inspector Savithru Tej of Cyber Economic and Narcotic Offense, Sr. Lourdes the Principal, Sr Caron the Vice Principal and Mrs. Nelofer Saldanha the PTA Vice President were welcomed with honour and respect by the school band.

Young eaglets showcased their enthusiasm and zeal by reminiscing the bravery and patriotism of our great freedom fighters. Students highlighted the importance of the Constitution and celebrated through patriotic songs, dance, and short speeches that filled the hearts of the audience with patriotic fervour. It was captivating to see the students parading together in one spirit to the rhythm of song Sare Jahan Se Accha, played by the school band.

True to the theme, the Chief Guest of the day Inspector Savithru Tej of Cyber Economic and Narcotic Offense enlightened students about the fundamental duties and the importance of abiding by the law.

The programme was compered by Arvind and Samantha.






































Mrs Veena Lasrado, Assistant Teacher
St. Theresa’s School, Bendur






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