Bethany Educational Society ® Mangalore

Educational Apostolate

    Glimpses of Graceful History


Established           : 16.07.1921
Registered            : 04.09.1948
Registration No      : No.17/1948-1949

The Bethany Educational Society ® (BES) Mangalore is run by the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, Mangalore with its Head Office at Bethany Convent, Mangalore. It imparts value based education through Balwadi Centres, Pre-Primary, Primary and High Schools, Pre-University Colleges, Degree Colleges and Vocational Training Centres with the motto – Transformative Education for Fullness of Life for all specially the poor and the girl children.

The Servant of God, Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas - the Founder   

     The Founding Members

     The First Council of Management      

          Registration Certificate - 1948

The Bethany Educational Society was registered on 4th September 1948 with the title, The Bethany Educational Society ®, Mangalore, under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. There were 34 institutions at the time of Registration: The list includes the institutions like Agricultural Farm, Weaving Centres, Tailoring and Embroidery Centres etc. in addition to Educational Centres. They speak of the farsighted and holistic vision of the Founder:

Under Madras Province: South Canara:

1.     Little Flower Girls’ High School, Kinnigoli
2.     Sacred Hearts’ Girls’ High School, Kulshekar
3.     Rosa Mystica Hr Elementary Training School for Women, Gurpur
4.     Rosa Mystica Agricultural Farm, Gurpur
5.     St Joseph’s Girls’ Higher Elementary School, Rosa Mystica, Gurpur
6.     St Joseph’s Industrial School for  Weaving, Rosa Mystica, Gurpur
7.     St Joseph’s Girls’ Orphanage, Rosa Mystica, Gurpur
8.     Little Flower Girls’ Elementary School, Kinnigoly
9.     Mary Vale Girls’ Orphanage, Kinnigoli
10.    St Mary’s Girls’ Elementary School, Karinje
11.    St Mary’s Girls’ Orphanage, Karinje
12.    Infant Mary’s Girls’ Elementary School, Modankap
13.    Infant Mary’s Girls’ Orphanage, Modankap
14.    St Francis Xavier’s Boys Elementary School, Kurnadka
15.    Little Flower Girls’ Elementary School, Kurnadka
16.    St Margaret Mary’s Higher Elementary School, Bendur, Mangalore
17.    St Joseph’s Higher Elementary School, Kulshekar
18.    Infant Mary’s Girls’ Orphanage, Kulshekar
19.    St Martha’s Industrial School for needlework, embroidery, Bethany, M’lore
20.    St Joseph’s Elementary School, Kankanady
21.    Holy Angels’ Elementary School, Permanoor
22.    St Joseph’s Elementary School, Borimar
23.    St Paul’s Elementary School, Balkunje
24.    Bethany Industrials, Bethany, Mangalore
25.    Bethany Weaving Establishment, Bethany, Mangalore

Malabar: Kerala

26.    St Michael’s Girls’ Hr El School, West Hill, Calicut
27.    St Michael’s Orphanage, West Hill, Calicut

Under Bombay Province: North Kanara:

28.    Ave Maria English School, Sirsi
29.    Ave Maria Vernacular School, Sirsi

30.    Presentation School – Dharwad City

31.    Christ King School, Guledgudd

32.    Immaculate Heart School, Nandgad
33.    Gratia Plena School – Santi Bastward
34.    Madeleine School - Londa


 Council of Management: 2024-2025


Sr Rose Celine BS


Sr Shanthi Priya BS

Vice President

Sr Sandhya BS


Sr Cicilia Mendonca BS

Deputy Secretary

Sr Jessie Leena BS


Sr Mariette BS


Sr Santhosh Maria BS


Sr Susan BS


 Sr Philomene Saldanha BS


Sr Sujaya BS




Educational Apostolate: Moved with compassion for the rural masses and girls in particular, the Servant of God Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas the Founder of the Bethany Educational Society ® Mangalore entrusted to the four founding members of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany the mission of education. These four, who themselves were teachers, toiled with a sense of dedication and enthusiasm to bring fullness of life to the poor and the marginalized specially girls.

Education by its nature is a transformative process; it has inherent capacity to transforms persons, society, structures and institutions. It challenges young minds to move beyond themselves towards fullness that promotes holistic growth in all itsdimension. It enables each individual to discover, unearth and enrich his or her creative potential, to reveal the treasure within each one. It therefore is not merely the gaining knowledge but acquisition of wisdom, discovering deeper meaning of life, establishing harmonious relationship with God, self, others and nature and leading to think objectively. It aims at the formation of the whole human person.

In a cultural context, where there is spiritual stagnation and deterioration of moral values, violation of human dignity, fundamentalism, globalization, negative influence of social media and exploitation of the Mother Earth our educational apostolate calls on us to go forth steadily with indomitable courage to promote Kingdom values. It is to eliminate the sinful and immoral structures through a serious commitment in the field of education (Starting Afresh from Christ).

The challenge for this ministry is to restore the distorted image of God in our less privileged brothers and sisters and promote fullness of life. It is to focus on education for peace and harmony, empoweringthe girl child, building harmonious relationship and striving for excellence. In other words, it is to create a society inspired by gospel values.

































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Bethany Educational Society®
Bethany Convent
Bendur, Mangalore-575002
D.K. Dist, Karnataka State

E-mail : [email protected]