Somya Uppal

St Theresa's Convent School, Karnal

21 May 2016 was the most special day in my life. This day brought me greatest joy as I secured III position at National level CBSE XII Std. The secret of my success is determination, hard work and perseverance in my studies. When I downloaded my mark sheet, I jumped with joy, to see my total marks 595/600 securing 99%. I could not believe my eyes. I thanked God for the excellent performance that He blessed me with. This excitement made me look back into my life, and I realized that it was not the result of efforts of one year. It had to do with everything ever since I started school life. I felt there was a lot to be thankful for.

First of all I thank God Almighty for His blessings, for the gifts that he bestowed upon me. Secondly, I thank my parents who were my constant support and pillar of strength.  Thirdly I thank my school - St Theresa’s Convent School and respected Sr Helima who reinforced qualities such as discipline, regularity, punctuality and above all moral and spiritual values, and good character. I am truly grateful to all my teachers who guided me, motivated me and provided me with an academic environment that was challenging thereby facilitating me to reach my goals.

As I hold this position, I feel it is my responsibility to share with you certain beliefs that contributed to my excellent performance.  

Dear friends, the word SUCCESS gives a pleasant feeling.  At the same time it denotes the efforts which one undertakes to carry out all intellectual and physical resources at one’s command. To emerge successful, one must develop self-confidence and perseverance. Start your work with resolve and do not yield to odds that come your way. Initial setbacks might come to you as lessons to learn but prepare yourself to avoid those mistakes which do not produce any fruits.

If you strive for success, your personal interests should not come in the way as a road block. Focus all your attention towards your goal. For example: to prepare for a subject, make notes, study thoroughly refer other books, previous question papers etc.  If you do right thing at the right time, success is definitely yours.

Beware of procrastinating things and start doing the first task on the list. Putting off an easy thing makes it hard and putting off a hard one makes it impossible. Never let any task get impossible. Break down a long task into chunks. You can finish them one by one as they will look manageable. Schedule each task in accordance with the time you have for it; overcome your weakness of excuses and get into the habit of taking responsibility. Excuses act as obstacles. Remove them with a firm decision.

Lastly, a very important thing:  no two individuals can be exactly the same; some may be better at a task than others. But everyone possesses certain talents and skills. Realize your talents and develop your skills to the best of your potential. Just remember to put in your best in every task you undertake. It is ultimately your attitude that matters. Wishing you all success in everything you undertake.



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