The world still reels under the pandemic! It continues to spread in newer forms bringing newer shocks and fears, yet we have become conquerors in some way. We have learnt to gird ourselves and wear a brave face, and exhibit hopeful look amidst the horrendous and dreadful pandemic that has thrown millions off the track, leaving behind misery and pain, poverty and hunger. We have learnt to adjust to the new normal - wearing a mask in public places, staying indoors more than before, avoiding unnecessary travel, evading parties and celebrations, etc. We have learnt to be happy with the minimum and to be comfortable even with the discomforts! We also have learnt to appreciate the goodness that the pandemic has brought into our families – bridging the gap we have stayed together, prayed and dined together, celebrated life together. We have realized that the lockdown periods have kept our skies and seas clean and maintained our mother earth and plants green.    

Yes, Covid -19 has taught us to count the blessings. It has taught us to rise higher and think broader. It has challenged us to think beyond and bounce back with a new mind-set. It reminds me of what Charles Darwin said, “It is neither the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, it is the one that is most adaptable to change.” Adaptation to change happens when there is a change of attitude, change of mind-set - from pessimism to optimism, from despair to hope, from negative to positive. When a mental-shift takes place, new horizon dawns. It is beautifully summarised through an analogy between a honeybee and a fly. A honeybee flies from flower to flower, extracting only the nectar without disturbing the flower. The mind-set of a honeybee is to seek the essence of each flower, even in a place filled with garbage. Rather than giving its attention to all the filth, the honeybee keeps its focus on finding the nectar. It eagerly flies to even a single flower amidst miles and miles of garbage. On the other hand, the fly will focus on sucking an infectious scab. The fly will travel over hundreds of flowers, but will focus on tasting garbage and excrement. It ignores the sweet fragrance of the rose gardens and even in the best of circumstances, and in the tidiest places, the fly will focus on garbage and trash.

The honeybee is teaching us the art of focusing on the positive and on dealing appropriately with the adversities in life. There will be struggles everywhere and pain all the time. There will never be shortage of things to complain about but just as the honeybee seeks nectar even in the most unexpected of places, we can aim to seek the positive side of life and count the blessings and not the misery. On the other hand, the fly represents the mind-set of those ignoring the blessings focus on complaints. It is easy; it requires no effort to see the flaws and misfortunes.

Let there be a shift within us, a shift from the negative to the positive, from death to life as we move on to the New Year 2021! Let us cast our cares, worries in the hands of the Almighty God, and hear him say, “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:31). I wish and pray that the year 2021 keeps our Management, staff, students, parents and well-wishers healthy and safe.

Please accept my sincere congratulations for extending your whole-hearted cooperation during the awful pandemic and keeping our students engaged through online teaching adorned with creativity and innovation. May God bless you!    

Sr Mariette BS
Secretary, BES Mangalore

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