Jan 21: Speech and language problems are the earliest signs of Learning Disability. Early diagnosis not only improves the child’s ability to perform better but also prevents the development of low self-esteem and behavioral problems.

Speech and Hearing Camp was held for the students of St Raymond Eng Med Hr Pry School, Vamanjoor on 18th January 2023 in collaboration with Department of Speech and Hearing, Father Muller College Mangaluru. Ms Cynthia Santhumayor the Vice Principal of Department of Speech and Hearing, Fr Muller Medical College, Kankanady was the resource person. Dr Ramandeep and Sr Lavita BS the Headmistress inaugurated the camp. Four Speech pathologists along with 15 students of Speech Pathology screened 114 students with difficulty in coping with academics. Additional examination and monitoring on guidance by the Speech pathologists will follow.



Mrs Anitha, Counsellor
St Raymond Eng Med Hr Pry School Vamanjoor

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