July 29: “Together we give children the roots to grow and the wings to fly” - with this belief Bethany English Medium Higher Primary School held its PTA General Body Meeting on Saturday, July 22, 2023.

The meeting began with invoking God’s blessings through a prayer song. The gathering was gracefully welcomed by the students through a mesmerizing dance performance.

Mrs.Savitha welcomed the guests and the gathering. The PTA secretary Mrs.Malathi presented the detailed and informative annual report of 2022-2023.
Headmistress Sr. Ritha Sharal briefed the parents about the rules and regulations of the school and gave a call for positive involvement of parents in their child’s upbringing.

The Former Vice President Mr. Lancy D’Almeida handed over the Books of Accounts to the newly elected PTA Vice President Mrs.Josna D’Almeida. Mrs.Josna officially took the charge of leading as Vice President for academic year 2023-24. The newly appointed PTA executive committee for the academic year 2023-2024 were felicitated for their initiative and presented flowers as a token of respect and gratitude.

Dr.Sr. Mariola BS, Correspondent, Local Manager and Deputive Secretary of Bethany Education Society, Mangalore, addressed the gathering. Sister in her speech highlighted the need to make each child responsible in his or her work and actions. She also advised parents to teach their children the quality of self-discipline and loyalty, as it plays a dominant role in the present society.

The Resource Person Mrs. Rajeshwari P addressed the gathering on 'parents role in grooming children’. She stressed on the fact that parents must not materialize their dreams through their children, but must help them to nurture and pursue their own dreams. Parents must be role models of values and discipline to their child. It is parents who must control their child and not vice versa. She also emphasized that children are falling prey to distractions like smartphone which is indeed a great hazard in their right development and therefore children must not own one during their schooling days.

The programme was compered by Mrs. Dayavathi and the vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs. Radhika.










Ms.Prithika Pinto, Assistant Teacher
Bethany English Medium Higher Primary School, Mulki


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