Sep 26: The province level closing celebration of Platinum Jubilee of the Bethany Educational Society Mangalore was ceremoniously held on 29 July 2023 at Bethany Provincial House, Ish Kripa-Karnal, Haryana.

The momentous occasion was marked with a thanksgiving mass at 10:00 a.m. Seven priests concelebrated the Holy Mass Fr Ashwin IMS (Provincial Superior of Delhi Province) being the main celebrant. Fr Edwin Vaz from Pune was invited to be part of the celebration. Sr Erasma the Provincial Superior and the team organized the programme in a meticulous manner. The sisters from the neighbouring communities along with candidates and students witnessed the closing ceremony of the Platinum Jubilee celebration of Bethany Educational Society with a heart filled with gratitude. It was heartening to see the Transformative Education for Fullness of Life towards Human Fraternity being imparted to all sections of the society especially the poor and the girl children.

The sermon based on the theme of the day Bethany Saints - Martha, Mary and Lazarus was well depicted in the life of the sisters in early 1960 on the Northern Soil. The event was especially marked by planting a sapling as a sign of the BES Platinum Jubilee memory.

This historic day was made colourful through a short cultural programme, during which Sr Erasma and the team released the long-awaited Documentary film on Bethany Sisters in the North. The hard efforts of Fr. Edwin (the Director of the film), Sr Grace Maria and Sr Helima (the co- editors) were recognized with due honour. The essence of BES and its growth in North India unfurled by Sr Erasma gave the wide range of service rendered to the humanity, by keeping up the Vision and Mission of SD Raymond the compassionate pastor.

Bethany on this northern soil that has carved a legacy of ‘Service Born out of Love’ especially to the girl children will remain in the hearts of the people for centuries to come.

Sr Sujata Minj
St Theresa’s Convent, Karnal







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