Feb 04: “A Scout is never taken by Surprise he knows exactely what to do when anything unexpected happens” said Lord Robert Baden – Powell. Our 78 Students Participated in State level Scout, Guides, Cub and Bulbuls camp heild at Alvas Moodbidri from January 23rd to 26th. We never fail when try to do our duty, we always fail when we neglect to do it. Students had good time to learn through different activities.
On January 30th 23 Guides, 18 Scouts, 18 Cups, and 14 Bulbuls answered DWITHYA SOPANA Exam and promoted to the next level. These students where guided by The Headmistress Sr. Lavita the Guide Master and supported by Mrs Anila M V the cub master Mrs Antony Mary Scout Master Mrs Reema D Cunha Bulbul Master and the staff.
Mrs Lavita Jyothi D Silva, Assistant Teacher
St Raymond Eng Med Higher Primary School, Vamanjoor