How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the one who brings good news.

Bethany Lay Association is an organization initiated by the sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, wherein Catholics of goodwill are invited to join with them to share in their charism and spirituality and promote collaboration and participation in their mission.

The formation of Bethany Lay Association at Bethany Convent High School, Sao Jose de Areal under the guidance of the School Headmistress Sr. Mary Flavia Dsouza took place on 8 April 2024, the day the Feast of Annunciation of Mary was celebrated. The 16 newly joined Bethany Lay Association members entered with lit candles towards the altar to begin the Eucharistic celebration. The celebrant Rev. Fr. Marlon Rodrigues– Superior of the Carmel Monastery, Margao. During the Mass, the Bethany Sisters and Bethany Lay Association pledged their oath. The celebrant of the mass congratulated the newly joined Bethany Lay Association members and asked God's blessings to carry on their mission. The day ended with a short get together.

Sr Flavia, Headmistress
Bethany Convent High School, Sao Jose de Areal







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