June 13: Caring for Mother Earth is one of the priorities of Bethany Educational Society (BES). In line with this priority, at St. Maria Goretti’s School Kolasib, World Environment Day is observed every year with utmost significance. This year too, we made it a point to give due attention to upholding the importance of the day. Students of classes 6,7 and 8 guided and accompanied by the teachers organized a cleanliness drive in and around the campus with special focus on the plastic waste left by passersby and strangers who litter the sides of the public road that runs near our school.

On June 5, 2024, girls of the above-mentioned classes came to school armed with hard brooms and baskets while boys equipped themselves with sharp instruments for removing unwanted weeds and grass in the gardens and around planted tree saplings in the school compound. The teachers did a credible job of guiding the young children at the task while instilling in them the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between human need and the need to preserve other lives, especially plant life as it is the source of life-sustaining oxygen on the earth. The teachers reiterated upon the importance and significance of waste segregation, use of compost pit, the value of plants, the urgency of reducing use of plastic etc. It was a meaningful and fruitful experience for students and staff.






Mr. Lian Jacob, Assistant Teacher
St. Maria Goretti’s School, Kolasib 









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