The Foundation day of Bethany was celebrated in Bethany Higher. Primary school Kilpady, Mulki on 12th July 2024.

The celebration began By invoking God’s Blessing and thanking him for the blessings that he showered on our institution through the intercession of our Founder. The programme began by lighting the diya and loving tribute paid to our Founder by Sr. Lydia Shanthi the principal of Madeleine collage, Sr Rita Sharal the headmistress and all the teaches by strewing the flowers to the portrait of our Founder. Students brought out the glimpses of Fr. Founder R. F. C Mascarenhas through the skit and followed by dance was performed by the LKG and UKG students as a part of cultural programme which marked the importance of the life of our Founder.

Sr Lydia Shanthi delivered a message and called each one to imbibe the values of our founder RFC Mascarenhas. To trust completely on God by repeating that me, my book and my God can do everything.The programme was compared by students of Fathima Zahara of VI standard and Zohara Shanum of VII standred. At the end of the programme vote of thanks proposed by Savishree of class VII.

The programme left beautiful memories in the mind’s hearts of teachers and students.







Miss Chaya, Assitent Teacher
Bethany Higher. Primary school Kilpady, Mulki






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