July 20: It’s a matter of pride that Guwahati Province becomes a trail blazer for hosting 2 BES Conventions – first at Bethany School Sulantu from 13th to 15th June 2024 and the second at Bethany School Gorchuk, Guwahati from 1st to 3rd July 2024. 140 participants registered and took active part during the conventions that resulted in imbibing the spirit of the Platinum Jubilee Year and the priorities. It is righty said that ‘Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.’ The BES Conventions were astounding in its plans under the leadership of Sr Benedicta Aranha, the Provincial Superior and Corporate Manager along with the team members, lined up in a meticulous way by Sr Janet Mendonca, the Education Coordinator of Guwahati Province.

The themes that were shared out were the priorities of the BES Platinum Jubilee, Upholding Justice Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, Promoting Peace and Harmony, Caring for Mother Earth, Education for Excellence and self-reliance, the Evolution of BES and its Conventions, Vision, Goal and Core values competently dealt by Dr (Fr) Paul Pudussery CSC, Sr Janet Mendonca, Sr Joy and Sr Edleburgh. The highlights of the Conventions were the Lighting of the Ceremonial Lamp, the Key note Address by Sr Benedicta Aranha, sessions on Priorities, BES Conventions, Goal, Vision and Core Values, discussions, Action Plans, impressions by the participants etc. The participants remained spellbound all through absorbing every activity of the convention. The external grandeur in both the venues added flavour to the convention and the institutions were picturesque with the flex and boards on the priorities of the convention along with the Founders Quotes all through.

Having felt the rich legacy of BES, the participants moved out with the slogan ‘Long live the Bethany Educational Society.’ The vivid scene of contentment on their faces proved untold latent innovativeness that awaited the execution of priorities in the institutions and in oneself. A roadmap in the form of Action Plan as set on the third day of the convention that lingered on as the participants departed with utmost satisfaction and convictions to execute what is learnt in order to bring ‘Transformative Education for Fulness of Life through Human Fraternity.’













Sr Janet Mendonca
V U Bethany College, Arunachal Pradesh 



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