News by Mrs Nirmala Santhumayor

Blue is a color that resonates with peace, tranquility, and calmness, often reminding us of the vast sky and deep oceans. It’s a color that many people are naturally drawn to because of its soothing and serene nature. To celebrate this beautiful hue, our school recently organized a Blue Day, filled with joy and creativity.

On this special day, our young Blooms of Kindergarten brought the theme to life by adorning themselves in various shades of blue. The sight of our little ones in their blue dresses, shirts, and accessories was truly a visual treat, as they looked like a group of tiny, vibrant waves moving through the school.






The classrooms and hallways were decorated with blue balloons, streamers, and artwork, all reflecting the beauty of the color blue. Teachers took the opportunity to engage the students in fun, educational activities centered around the color. They learned about the importance of blue in nature, such as the sky and oceans, and explored how the color makes us feel calm and happy.

Blue Day was not only a celebration of a favorite color but also a wonderful opportunity for our young students to bond, learn, and express their creativity. The day left everyone with a sense of calm and contentment, much like the feeling we get when we gaze at a clear blue sky or a calm ocean.

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