Nov 27: Bethany English Medium Higher Primary School, KiIpady, Mulki commemorated “Samvidhan diwas” or “Constitution Day” to honor the adoption of the Indian Constitution. The event began with a prayer song invoking God’s blessings, followed by a presentation on the significance of the day by Rimsha and her group, who highlighted the key features of the Constitution.

A short skit was enacted showcasing the strength of character of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar.The cultural program with dance added a spirit of patriotism.The celebration concluded by administering the pledge by Varsha, all the students and all the teachers.

The Headmistress then addressed the gathering, emphasizing the importance of raising awareness about the Constitution and fostering respect for democratic values and rights.

The program was compered by hazikath shiza and welcomed by Asiya Kausar, Vote of thanks by Navish N Poojary.








Ms Chaya, Assistant Teacher
Bethany Eng. Med Hr Pry School, Kilpady, Mulki



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