Aug 15: 71st Independence Day was celebrated in our school on Tuesday 15th Aug. The programme began with the prayer and lighting of the lamp. To pay our respect to Mother India, the picture of Mother India was sprinkled with colourful petals. The Master of ceremony welcomed the whole gathering with the welcome speech.

Students performed variety of items like patriotic songs, dance, video clipping and skit on the theme of freedom. During the programme the students from our school who won the Zonal level sports were presented with tropics and certificates by our Headmistress, Sr Betty D’Costa and Sr Simon, the Correspondent of the School. One of our students Suhas Matale who won the drawing competition conducted by Vijaya Karanataka news paper also honoured during the programme.

Sr Betty, the Headmistress of our school addressed the gathering on this auspicious occasion.  In her speech she stressed that we must remain grateful for all the sacrifices made by the freedom fighter, that we should work hard strengthen the unity and oneness of our country. One of the student leader proposed the vote of thanks.

Sr Betty D’Costa & Staffs
St Joseph’s High School, K R Nagar








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