Oct 31: The Science and Craft exhibition was held on 27.10.2017 at Bethany Higher Primary School, Puttur. The exhibition was inaugurated by Mr Sudhir Rai, the Vice President of PTA under the presence of the Headmistress Sr Lavita, executive members of PTA, staff and students. The parents appreciated the brimming craft talents of the students and noticed the germinating seeds of scientists in the minds of the students. Variety of crafts and science models were exhibited by the enthusiastic students. The open day was also held on the same day. The exhibition was a great success as it was visited by parents in large number. The parents were happy and appreciated the Headmistress and staff for the opportunity provided for their children to display their talents and skills





Mrs Greeshma and Mrs Shilpa Rani
Bethany Higher Primary School Panglai Puttur

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