Jan 17: Christmas is one of the important and joyous festivals of the Christians celebrated all over the world. Christmas is nothing but God becoming man to lift us up from the nature of sin.
The long awaited day was arrived and we the Bethany family in Bargarh along with the students in the school celebrated on 21st and 22nd of December, the birth of Jesus with much joy, laughter and variety of sparkling all around. The students of each class demonstrated and sang the carols with different ideas related to this modern world and the message of the birth of Jesus was communicated to each and every student and teacher in the school. Fr Rajesh Roshan SVD from Vikas Deepti, Bargarh gave us the message on Christmas and how the birth of Jesus renews each one’s heart to like purpose oriented life.
The spirit of Christmas bound each and every teacher together under the motivation of Sr Subhasini the Principal. We had a short meaningful prayer service. Thereafter there was joy, laughter and sharing of homemade sweets brought by the staff with love in the heart and joy on the face. Everyone enjoyed the celebration.
Sr Jessica
Bethany Convent School, Bargarh