Sr Leera Maria BS, the Headmistress of Sacred Heart’s High School, Kulshekar retired from her services on 31st July, 2021. A felicitation and farewell programme was held in the School hall on 28th July.  Sr. Cicilia Mendonca BS (Corporate Manager, Mangalore Province) presided over the function and felicitated Sr Leera Maria BS along with the guests and staff members.

The felicitation messages sent by BES President Sr. Rose Celine BS and BES Secretary Sr Mariette BS were read by Sr Roshel BS (Correspondent) and Sr Shubha BS (Province Education Coordinator) respectively. Mrs Flavia Pais (Teacher)   and Mr Hilary Mascarenhas (Teacher, Little Flower High School, Kinnigoly) shared their experiences and spoke on the achievements of Sr Leera Maria as an educationist and headmistress in various institutions and wished her well.

In her presidential speech, the Corporate Manager congratulated Sr Leera Maria for her dedicated, disciplined, selfless service in the educational apostolate that brought laurels to the schools, the Society and brightened the life of thousands of students. She applauded her relentless service and wished her a peaceful and fruitful life filled with God’s bountiful blessings.

Sr Leera Maria expressed her gratefulness to the Almighty and thanked the Bethany Management and all for the guidance, support and encouragement she received during her service in various schools. She thanked the staff of Sacred Hearts’ High School for arranging the befitting felicitation programme.

The programme began with a prayer service. School teachers, Mr Bernard D’ Souza welcomed the gathering, Mrs Shilpa Lobo proposed the vote of thanks and Mrs Gracy Pinto compered the programme. Sr. Ida BS (Superior, Santa Cruz Convent) and Sr Anitha Nathalia BS (HM, Sacred Hearts’ Hr Pry Eng Med School) were present on the dais.



Mr Victor Bernard D’Souza, In-Charge Headmaster
Sacred Heart’s High School, Kulshekar

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