The Presentation Higher Primary School Kannada Medium, Dharwad organised a farewell function on 24th February for Sir Chikkamath under the leadership of the Correspondent Sr. Suhasini and Headmistress Sr. Vedita.

The function was presided over by the Corporate Manager of Western Province Sr. Sally who appreciated and thanked Sir Chikkamath for inspiring the students to believe in themselves. The Chief guests Shri Manjunath Adiware Block Educational Coordinator, B.R.P Shri Shreedhar, C.R.P Suresh Morabad were deeply touched by the meaningful farewell programme which included a Bible skit, opinions shared by students and teachers, farewell song, honouring and Power Point presentation.

The Educational Coordinator Shri M. Adiware appreciated the hardwork of Sir Chikkamath, spoke highly about the school and the efforts it is putting to provide quality education.

On behalf of BES, Appreciation and gratitude was conveyed by Sr. Suhasini, Sr. Pierine. The Education Coordinator, Sr. Archana the Superior and Headmistress of Presentation English Medium School, Dharwad. The heads and staff of the Presentation group of Institutions and the family members of Sir Chikkamath graced the occasion.


Sr. Vedita, the Headmistress
Presentation Convent Higher Primary School, Dharwad


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