Bethany Convent School, Delta II, Greater Noida was started on 16th July, 2012 with 25 children. Sr Zelie was the first Principal. At present there are 952 students among whom 546 are boys and 406 girls from Nursery to Class VII. There are 36 dedicated and committed teachers and 11 supportive staff in the school.

The curriculum of the students is designed in the modern method of teaching. The Smart Classes are installed in some classes beside this there is Kyan classes also. The report card and the SMS system also are installed. Besides this the school conducts art and drawing, music and dance. The students participate in the inter school competitions interclass competitions and other competitions where they bag a number of prizes. The school will be affiliated to CBSE.  


Bethany Convent School

H S – 11/B-1, Sector Delta II, Greater Noida

U P-201302

Telephone No 7838501497
Email id

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Year of Estd 2012
Status Nursery to Class VII
Aided/Unaided Unaided
Affiliated to CBSE Board
Principal Sr Shilpa BS
Local Manager Sr Oliva BS



Sr Oliva BS
Local Manager


Sr Shilpa  BS


Teaching Staff

Non-Teaching Staff

Supporting Staff


 Outgoing Batch- VIII A

Outgoing Batch- VIII B


Outgoing Batch- VIII C


School Building











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Bethany Educational Society®
Bethany Convent
Bendur, Mangalore-575002
D.K. Dist, Karnataka State

E-mail : [email protected]