The campus of Rosa Mystica, ‘the garden of our Blessed Mother’ as our Founder called it, is perched on the top of a hill beyond the little hamlet of Gurpur. In the year 1945 the man of vision saw that if primary education had to be effective, we needed good trained teachers and so on July 2, he started the Rosa Mystica Teachers’ Training Institute (Lower grade) with Sr Macrina as its first Headmistress. Appreciating the Swadeshi Movement of Mahatma Gandhi, the Founder brought the Training Institute under the pattern of Basic Education that was gathering momentum in the country.

From 1952 the Institute had another section added for the training of teachers (higher grade). The lower grade system of training was discontinued due to the change in the pattern of general education and the Teacher Certificate Higher Grade Training continues.

The School is well equipped with a laboratory and a library provided by the Donor Agency, CEBEMO Holland. Sisters Edburge, Lelia, Theresine, Virginia and Divina, Concetta, Assumpta succeeded Sr Macrina as heads of this institution.  Presently Mrs Lavina Lobo leads this renowned institution by carrying on the work in a dedicated manner with the help of her committed staff. 


  Rosa Mystica T T Institution, Kinnikambla
  D.K. Dt, Karnataka-574151

  Telephone No.


  E-mail ID

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  Year of Establishment



  D. El. Ed College

 Aided / Unaided


 Affiliated to

  Karnataka State Board


  Mrs Lavina Lobo


  Sr Roselyta BS



Sr Roselyta BS

Mrs Lavina Lobo
       Headmistress / Principal       

Rosa Mystica TTI Building




 Staff and Students







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