Servant of God Msgr. R.F.C. Mascarenhas realizing the greatness of education extended the benefits of education even to the remotest corners of our land. He had his feet solidly planted on firm ground, his faith deeply rooted in God. With ardent faith and hard toil, he worked at the realization of his dream and he did it. The tiny seed he planted on 16-7-1921 has today grown into a mighty tree spreading its branches far and wide in our vast country and our Sacred Hearts’ High School is a branch of that huge tree.

To provide with better facilities of education to the youth of Kulshekar Msgr. R.F.C. Mascarenhas planned to start a high school. His desire was fulfilled, when humble beginnings were made for a girl’s secondary school at Kulshekar on 31-5-1943. The Sacred Hearts’ Secondary School (as it was then called) was inaugurated on the 4th June 1943. It began a very modest scale with first three classes. In three successes years after the inspection the 4th 5th and 6th form were introduced, so that, the first batch from the school appeared for the SSLC Examination 1947. What was began with the 67 students, today it is increased for 429 with both Kannada and English medium sections. God has blessed the work of his hands, in that the school fulfils the essential needs of the education which otherwise would not in those times be easily available. Over the years the school has rendered credible service to the society through intellectual and moral formation of the young, who in course of years have carried aloft the values and ideals imbibed within its portals.

Creative ideas resides in people’s minds but are trapped by motivation and creativity. This is very true of students of Sacred Hearts’ High School, Kulshekar. God is praised for the gifts of these young hearts who pursue life with great enthusiasm and vigour and reveal day by day the dynamism, vitality and the talent with which they are blessed with. The commitment and loving service of teaching and non- teaching staff is noteworthy to make Sacred Hearts’ flag to fly high.

The credit and glory of this remarkable achievement must go to its Founder of venerable memory to the pioneering Sisters, to the bold undertakings of Headmistresses, to the devotedness of the staff, to the co-operation of the parents and in no small measure to the enduring efforts of the students themselves of whom the school can rightly be proud and who can truly be proud of their Alma Mater.



Sacred Hearts’ High School, Kulshekar
Mangalore, DK Dt, Karnataka - 575005

Telephone No


E-mail ID

Year of Establishment




Aided / Unaided


Affiliated to

Karnataka State Board


Sr Cynthia D Cunha


Sr Juliana Monis BS


Sr Juliana Monis BS


Sr Cynthia D Cunha BS


School Building


School Building


Staff and Students of Sacred Hearts’ High School, Kulshekar, Mangalore 









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