The need for an English Medium School was strongly felt by the people of this locality as there wasn’t a good school around and their little children had to travel to distant places. It was only a dream for a few years. This dream was represented to the Management of Bethany Educational Society by the then PTA members of Little Flower High School who approached personally the President and the Secretary of Bethany Educational Society.

As per the request and the desire presented, school was begun in June 1997 under the leadership of Sr Christella BS, the then Provincial Superior of Mangalore Province. Maryvale School saw the light of the day with two classes Upper K.G. and Std I with 59 Students, Sr Electa serving as the first Headmistress. In 1998 Sr Jessy Leena was appointed as the Headmistress; she with courage faced difficult situations, conquered hurdles and made the school grow up firmly. Thereafter in 2010 Sr Jacintha Rodrigues was appointed as Headmistress and currently Sr Manisha Maria Rodrigues serves as the Headmistress.

At present there are 16 Teaching and 4 Non Teaching Staff who work tirelessly for the well being of this Institution. It has the strength of 370 Students from K.G. to VII Std. Education through Smart Classes makes the children creative and innovative and enhances teaching and learning. Ample opportunities are given to the students to grow spiritually, physically, mentally and psychologically. Faith and character formation together with academic excellence are given priority.



Maryvale Eng Med Higher Primary School, Kinnigoli

DK. Dt, Karnataka -574150

Telephone No 0824-2296480
E-mail ID This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Year of Establishment 1997
Status KG - VII
Aided / Unaided Unaided
Affiliated to Karnataka State Board
Headmistress Sr Manisha Maria Rodrigues BS
Correspondent Sr Maureen BS


Sr Maureen BS


Sr Manisha Maria Rodrigues BS



Outgoing Batc VII A

Outgoing Batch VII B


School Building






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Bethany Convent
Bendur, Mangalore-575002
D.K. Dist, Karnataka State

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