“Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings’ end,” – After a strenuous struggle of five to seven years of initiating the purchase of land, making of the Bethany Convent School, Samalkha in 2017 has taken a progressive turn. This new venture has been taken up by the Bethany Educational Society, Mangalore, a Christian Religious Minority Institution, registered under the Society’s Registration Act XXI of 1860 [Registration No.17 of 1948-1949]. The Society has its head office at Bethany Convent, Mangalore, Karnataka.

The dedicated team of Bethany Sisters worked zealously to open this school in March 2017 in a rented accommodation. It was then officially inaugurated by Sr Jyoti, Corporate Manager and Provincial Superior and blessed by Fr Pawan, the Parish Priest. With great affirmation of faith, Sr Grace Maria was appointed the first Principal, who emphatically worked for the progress of the school with three members of the staff and 17 students to begin with.

Her propound and positive influence helped the staff and students to work hard. Sr Elsie took over as the seend Principal in July 2017, along with Sr Cedra. Though the terrain was tough yet their aggregated efforts in teaching the children from nearby villages and town, training them to be better human beings through a holistic approach brought forth fruit of success. The school earned a niche in the whole town and neighbouring areas known for ‘Education for Fulness of Life’. The number of students is increasing year by year as stress is being laid on scholastic and co-scholastic activities for the children, entrusted in their care.

6 March 2018 was an important day when the foundation stone of the new building was laid by the Provincial Superior, her Councilors and few dignitaries of the city. The new school building i.e. the Primary Block is under construction with a few class-rooms ready to be used. The congenial atmosphere of the campus awaits the re-opening of the school for better as it is closed till date due to the prevailing conditions to fight against COVID-19.



   Bethany Convent School, Hathwala Road, Near    Chandan Nursery Samalkha,Haryana.132101

  Telephone no.


  Email ID


  Year of  establishment                                

  12 April 2017


  Nursery to- VII

  Aided / unaided





  Sr Reena D Souza


  Sr Rose Margaret



Sr Reena D Souza


 Sr Rose Margaret BS






School Building




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Bethany Educational Society®
Bethany Convent
Bendur, Mangalore-575002
D.K. Dist, Karnataka State

E-mail : adminhq@besmangalore.org