Belgaum mission was started in 1938 by Mgr RFC Mascarenhas our Founder along with a group of sisters. In 1955 an orphanage was opened which was supported and encouraged by the Jesuits and Fr Alvaris (Sanna Swami). This was pleased by the Inspectors for the organization and administration. Two sisters were assigned to teach in the school which was started in 1938 by Fr Alvaris (Sanna Swami). The natives were lacking motivation in studies mainly due to poverty and lack of educational environment in the families. A few students were able to benefit education. But through the scheme of C.C.F many children were helped in education. Then onwards all round development of the school, boarding were continued with renewed fervour.

In 1973 Fr J.B. Silva, the then Parish Priest of Santibastwad opened St. Joseph’s Orphanage High School. The administration of the school was transferred to Bethany Educational Society in 1978. In due course of time, a Marathi medium section was added to the High School for the benefit of the Marathi population surrounding the place. Kannada medium Primary School also grew in strength steadily and has at present strength of 700 students. These institutions are gratefully remembered by those who have passed out of the school. They had no other school in their remote village. Good many of the ex-students hold high position in society as I.A.S. officers, doctors, teachers, army officers, priests and nuns. Four have become priests from the natives of Santibastwad – Swamy Prabhudhar S.J, Fr Louis Gonsalves, Fr C. Drago and Fr Joseph Gonsalves.

The diocesan Orphanage that was opened in 1955 was aided by the Government. It served as a remand home too. Late Sr Prudence rendered 43 years of committed service in this place. The service rendered by numerous other sisters too is commendable.

Now this place is developed to a great extent. Genuine efforts are made to raise the standard of the school; as a result, student strength is on the increase. The sisters give special attention to the children before and after class. The institution pays a loving tribute to the pioneering missionaries.



Sacred Heart English Med School, Santibastwad

Belgaum Dt, Karnataka -590018

Telephone No 0831/2413228
E-mail ID This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Year of Establishment 1938
Status I - VII
Aided / Unaided Aided
Affiliated to Karnataka  State Board
Incharge Headmistress Mrs Remedia Vas
Correspondent Sr Preema BS




Sr Prima BS




Mrs Remedia Vas
Incharge Headmistress


Outgoing Students

School Building




















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