July 15: A rain drenched July morning could not dampen the high spirits of the eager and enthusiastic athletes gathered in the Main Hall of St Theresa’s School for the inaugural ceremony of the much awaited AICS Interschool Table Tennis Tournament “Top Spin Smashers – 2023” on 13 th July,2023.

Mr. Gowtham Shetty- Chief Guest, ,Sr Sandhya -the Secretary of Bethany Educational Society, Sr.Dona – the Superior of Bethany Convent, Sr Lourdes - the Principal of St Theresa’s School, Mr. Allwyn Ammanna - Chief Official ,Mr. Sujith Noronha- the PTA Vice President and Mrs. Anita -the Physical Instructor of St. Theresa’s school graced the occasion and added glamour to the dais.

The blessings of the Almighty were invoked through a prayer song which was mellifluent sung by the Theresian Choir. This was followed by a blissful and graceful welcome dance.

Sr Lourdes - the Principal of St Theresa’s School made the audience feel at home through her words of welcome. She beckoned students to excel not only in Sports but in all fields of life.She also introduced the Chief Guest, Mr. Gowtham Shetty.

Mr. Gowtham Shetty along with the dignitaries creatively inaugurated the tournament.Sr.Sandhya declared the "Top Spin Smashers” Table tennis tournament 2023 open.

The Chief Guest, Gowtham Shetty- Chairman of Torpedose, Cricket Club and President of Tennis Ball Cricket Association in his address emphasized on the importance of sportsmanship, discipline, and perseverance. He stated that a sportsperson is active both physically and mentally. He encouraged the participants to demonstrate their skills, foster healthy competition, and cherish the values learned through sports.

The Vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs. Anita, the Physical Education teacher.

Sr.Lourdes, Mr Gowtham Shetty, Mr Allwyn Ammanna in the presence of the Physical Instructors of St. Theresa’s School, Teacher representatives of various schools picked the lots for the matches to begin.

With the ceremony marking the beginning of the tournament, the audience and participants eagerly looked forward to witnessing and experiencing thrilling matches and memorable moments of triumph throughout the competition.Mrs.Savita Albuquerque compered the inaugural programme.

“Some have won, some are learning but what is important is they have done their learning.”
After their energetic performance, the dignitaries, the students, the coaches, Physical Education instructors and the staff of St Theresa ’s assembled for the closing ceremony.

The event marked the culmination of intense competition and showcased the talent and sportsmanship of the participating schools. The MC Mrs. Gwen cheerfully greeted the audience.

The dignitaries on the dais were Sr Sandhya -the Secretary of Bethany Educational Society, Mr. Allwyn Ammanna - Chief Official, Sr Lourdes - the Principal of St Theresa’s School, and Mr. Sujith Noronha- the PTA Vice President.

Sr Sandhya, the Secretary of the Bethany Educational Society addressed the gathering. Sister commended the participants for their hard work, dedication and perseverance. She exuberantly appreciated the host school -St. Theresa's School for meticulously planning and organizing the tournament.

The highlight of the closing ceremony was the prize distribution ceremony. Trophies, medals, and certificates were awarded to the winning teams.

Sr Lourdes BS, Principal
St Theresa’s School, Bendur


























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