July 29: Leaders create an inspiring vision and create something new. To instill leadership qualities in young minds school cabinet is formed and the solemn ceremony of Oath taking was held on 19 June 2023.

Sr Lavita the Headmistress administered the Oath and wished them well. Sr Shubha the Correspondent was the Chief Guest who congratulated the newly elected leaders. She insisted upon them to use the opportunity to love and serve the institute.

The event was combined with the theme "Beat plastic - Go Green". Students were educated to say no to plastic, thus they carry no sweets to school instead they come with flower plants or saplings.

All the cabinet members brought one each saplings/flower plants to grow in the school premises. The full fledged and creative staff set an attractive stage for the programme. Meaningful stage programme presented by the students to take care of the mother earth.



Mrs. Pramila Shilpa Menezes
St Raymond Eng. Med School, Vamanjoor



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