Nov 03 : Kannada Rajyotsava the festival of Karnataka is celebrated on November 1, every year to commemorate the birth of state Karnataka. It is a day when the state rejoices in the true spirit of Kannada language. This was the day in 1956 when all the Kannada language - speaking regions of South India were merged to form the state of Karnataka.

Every year this day is acknowledged with great zeal and exuberance with community events, concerts and citizens donning the colours of the flag of Karnataka red and yellow.

Kannada Rajyotsava was celebrated in Bethany English Medium Higher Primary School with gusto, joy, and vigor on November 1.

The program began by invoking God’s blessing through meaningful prayer service followed by the lighting of the lamp by the Headmistress Sr Rita Sharal with a short introduction on the importance of the day.

The significance of the day was given by Falak of 7A.

A beautiful programme was put by the students of Class 3A and Class 7A. The skit entitled ‘Jai Karnataka’ and a spectacular dance depicting the richness of the Karnataka state were represented by the students.

In addition to this, the creatively prepared backdrop by the teachers added a festive mood to the celebration.

Navyashree and Thrupthi compered the program, Jesvita welcomed the gathering and Hrithika proposed the vote of thanks.

The ceremony generated a sense of pride in the minds of the audience, for being part of a culture that is so rich and vibrant.










Ms. Roveena, (Assistant Teacher)
Bethany English Medium Higher Primary School, Kilpady, Mulki


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