Nov 21 : Jubilees are occasions to be celebrated, to recall the marvellous ways in which the school has fulfilled its mission in imparting education, moral and spiritual values, and discipline to help build leaders who will bring about a culture of peace and love which our society and country needs today. They also provide an opportunity to reflect on the past achievements of the school as well as introspect on the preparations to meet the challenges that lie ahead.

The closing of The Golden Jubilee celebration of St. Joseph’s Orphanage High school, Santibastwad Belagavi was held at the school hall on November 15, 2023 with a thanksgiving Eucharistic Celebration. The Holy Eucharist was officiated by Most Rev. Dr Derek Fernandez the Bishop of Belgaum.

After the Holy Eucharist, to mark the Golden Jubilee, a meaningful stage programme and a delightful cultural programme was organized by the staff and students. The stage programme was presided over by Rev. Sr Sandhya the Secretary of BES, and graced by the chief guests Sr Sally the Provincial Superior, Sr Threisa, the Correspondent and Superior of Gratia Plena Convent, Rev. Fr Eusebio Fernandes the Parish Priest, Sr. Pierine the Education Coordinater, Mr. Mrinal Hebbalkarthe general secretary of Karnataka Youth Congress, Mr. S P Dasappanavar the BEO of Belagavi Rural, Mr. Antony Dsouza the Alumni Vice president and Sr. Lavina Mascarenhas the Headmistress of the school.

Sr. Sandhya the President of the function congratulated the staff, parents, alumni and students for making the institution proud by their value based education and catering to the needs of the less privileged people of the rural villages.

‘When we honour the past, we energize the future and the present becomes a celebration.’ The celebrations continued with the felicitation of our former headmistresses, teachers, and all those who contributed in their own little way to make St. Joseph’s what it is today. The Golden Jubilee could well be called the Year of Gratitude, because we have so much to be thankful for.

Sr. Lavina Mascarenhas, Headmistress
St Joseph’s Orphanage High School
Sntibastwad, Belgaum



























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