Sep 27: The Programme on ‘Save Money to send your friend to School’ was organized in Bethany Higher Primary School, Puttur to instill in the students the value of Compassionate love for all, specially the poor and the marginalized, the one of the Bethany Core Values.

This programme was witnessed by Mr Sudhir Rai, Panaje, Vice President of PTA, Executive member. He was the chief Guest of the day and he appreciated the Nobel deed of our students. The power of one rupee (`1) was introduced in the school and the amount of ` 7500/- was collected. This amount was disbursed to the students of Little Flower Hr pry School, Puttur, towards their school fees.

Hats off to the students for their generous and loving deed!

Sr Prashanthi BS, Headmistress
Little Flower HPS, Puttur



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