Bidding farewell is a very difficult task indeed. It was one of those emotional moments in an institution where you find words a challenge to express our emotions.
A retirement programme of Teacher Laisamma Charles was held on 22nd July, 2023 in Bethany Convent School, Panvel. The function began with a thanksgiving prayer to Teacher Laisamma for her dedicated service to our institution for the past 9 years. The special memorable insights were shared by the students who also were grateful to her for the method of teaching which has enabled them to understand the Science concepts well. She was honored by Sr Michelle BS the Secretary of Panvel Society and Sr Celine- the Manager, Sr Elsy – the Superior, Sr Helen- the Principal, Mr Alpesh -PTA Vice President and her family members were part of this great celebration. As the programme came to a close deep emotions ran high as we bid her farewell and wished her well for her second phase of life. It was a poignant moment that highlighted the impact of teacher in the lives of the students.
Wish you a happy retirement dear teacher…..




Sr Monthi Britto
Bethany Convent School, Kolkhe, Panvel

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