Shreya Vernekar of Standard VII D from Presentation Primary School, Dharwad has won the First prize in Drawing Competition which was held on 15 December 2017 in Presentation Primary School, Dharwad. Organised by Grow Together skill centre development, Hubli




Tanishka Kavathekar of IV from Presentation Higher Primary School, Dharwad has won the Second prize in Drawing Competition which was held on 15 December 2017 in Presentation School, Dharwad organized by Grow together skill centre Hubli development.


Priyanka goudar of std V from Presentation Higher Primary School, Dharwad has won the consolation prize in Drawing Competition which was held on 15 December 2017 in Presentation School, Dharwad organized by Grow together skill centre Hubli development

Sr Jessy Lasrado, Headmistress
Presentation Primary School, Dharwad

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