Jan 23: The Bethany Educational Society (BES) Convention, held under the aegis of the Northern Province, centered around the theme “Transformative Education for Fullness of Life towards Human Fraternity.” The event, hosted at St Theresa Convent Senior Secondary School, Karnal, on October 14, 2024, and Sacred Heart Convent Senior Secondary School, Ludhiana, on October 21, 2024, aimed to inspire educators to foster a holistic educational environment grounded in core values. The convention emphasized the vision of Fr Founder RFC Mascarenhas, the goals of BES, and the Bethany approach to teaching and learning. Participants from the Haryana and Punjab regions gathered to discuss the four priorities outlined in the General Chapter Thrust, including Education for Excellence, Justice, Equality, Liberty, Fraternity, Education for Peace and Harmony, and Care for Mother Earth.
The event commenced with the ceremonial hoisting of the BES flag by Sr Erasma BS, Corporate Manager of Northern Province, accompanied by Sr Helen DCosta and the Province Administration Team. As the flag fluttered high, the Platinum Jubilee Anthem resonated across the gathering, symbolizing the unity and fervour of the Bethany family. The convention featured thought-provoking presentations, lectures, and discussions, highlighting the importance of integrating values like spirituality, empathy, and social responsibility into education. Sr Rose Margaret BS and Sr Jyoti BS presented on the spirituality of education, exploring how educational practices grounded in spirituality foster academic success, social harmony, and personal fulfillment.
A significant highlight of the convention was the tribute session to Fr RFC Mascarenhas, delivered by Mrs Zeena Chauhan at Karnal and Mrs Bharti at Ludhiana. The session honoured his lifetime dedication to educational reform, particularly his advocacy for marginalized communities and the empowerment of girl children. Transformative education, as discussed by Sr Ophilia Lobo BS, emphasized personal transformation through education, equipping individuals not only with academic skills but also with emotional, social, and spiritual tools for a meaningful life. Fr Xavier Savarimuttu SJ’s session on “My Earth, My Responsibility” shed light on the pressing impacts of climate change and the collective responsibility of educators and society to raise awareness about sustainability.
The convention concluded with a call to action for educators to view education through a holistic lens, integrating spiritual values, social responsibility, and environmental consciousness. The discussions on transformative education, environmental responsibility, and the legacy of Fr RFC Mascarenhas left a lasting impact, inspiring educators to cultivate students who are not only knowledgeable but also ethical, compassionate, and responsible global citizens. This convention, which marks the beginning of a new era in education, underscored the need for an approach that fosters the fullness of life for individuals and the planet. Gratitude was expressed to the Province Administration, managers, principals, and staff for their meticulous planning and contributions to the event’s success.
Sr Helen D Costa BS
Province Coordinator for Education, Northern Province