July 22: On 16th July in honour of Foundation of Bethany Congregation a meaningful programme was held in Bethany Eng. Med. School, Bajpe. We had a short programme followed by prayer dance, a drama depicted the entry and the life of Founder Fr R.F.C. Mascarenhas, the founding members and the birth of Bethany Congregation in the year 1921 July 16th . It was indeed a joyful day to welcome Sr Lidwin Jyothi, the counselor of the school and Sr Florine Jyothi, Superior of Nazareth Convent, Bajpe to this beautiful programme. Sr Lidwin Jyothi appreciated the teachers and students for the inspiring drama and other cultural programme. She congratulated the students those who had participated in the various competitions held on the occasion of foundation day and the winners were honoured by the prizes. Everyone was delighted to know the roots and growth of Bethany the colourful cultural programme made this day memorable.


Mrs Vinitha, Assistant Teacher
Bethany Eng. Med School, Bajpe

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